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Bruce Arbit

Co-Managing Director

Mr. Arbit is the Founder and Co-Managing Director of A.B. Data, Ltd., where he oversees the day-to-day operations of the A.B. Data Group of companies, employing almost 400 people across the United States and Israel. He helps clients by specializing in database marketing for constituency development and nonprofit and political direct mail and digital fundraising. Mr. Arbit believes in using data-driven strategies to create meaningful and impactful results for his clients.

Mr. Arbit has secured a prestigious client base, including the Sierra Club, The Nature Conservancy, the Environmental Defense Fund, Reproductive Freedom for All, the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Yad Vashem, B’nai B’rith, the United Jewish Appeal (“UJA”), the Jewish Federations of North America, and the Jerusalem Foundation. He has also played a pivotal role in class action litigation support, notably in the Swiss Banks Class Action Case and Holocaust Era Asset Restitution efforts, where he and his company identified, contacted, and informed Holocaust survivors across 109 countries in over 30 languages.

Mr. Arbit’s political consulting clients have included the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee; United States Senators Carl Levin, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Joe Lieberman, Tom Daschle, Frank Lautenberg, Howard Metzenbaum, John Kerry, John Glenn, Paul Simon, Alan Cranston, Herb Kohl, Ted Kennedy, Bill Bradley, Amy Klobuchar, and Bob Casey, Jr.; and President Barack Obama.

Mr. Arbit is the Chairman of the Board of Integrated Mail Industries, Ltd. He has also served as a member of the Boards of Directors of University National Bank and State Financial Bank. He is the Past Chairman of Asset Development Group, Inc., Home Source One, and American Deposit Management.

Mr. Arbit served on the Board of Governors and was Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel (“JAFI”). In addition, Mr. Arbit is a past member of UJA’s Young Leadership Cabinet, and he is also a past President of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation and past Chairman of the United Israel Appeal. He has served on the boards of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (“JTA”), JDC (the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee), and the Habonim Dror Foundation.

He has also served on the Boards of Trustees of the Milwaukee Jewish Homes for the Aged, the Harry & Rose Family Jewish Community Center, Milwaukee Jewish Day School, Milwaukee Jewish Community High School, Keshet, and the Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education ("CAJE") and has been a member of The Wexner Foundation. He currently serves as chairman of the Jerusalem-based Pincus Fund for Jewish Education.

Currently, Mr. Arbit is working toward expanding A.B. Data's influence in the industry, continuing to innovate in database marketing and litigation support. He holds a background in economics and business, having studied at the University of Wisconsin, the University of Haifa, and Oranim Academic College. He has also received numerous accolades, including the Milwaukee Jewish Federation’s Benjamin E. Nickoll Young Leadership Award and the Wisconsin Direct Marketing Association’s Direct Marketer of the Year award.

When he is not driving A.B. Data’s success, Mr. Arbit enjoys contributing to various boards and foundations, including the Jerusalem-based Pincus Fund for Jewish Education, where he currently serves as chairman. He also takes pride in his past leadership roles within the Milwaukee Jewish community and his ongoing commitment to Jewish education and welfare. Outside of the office, Mr. Arbit enjoys spending time with his beloved family and his two curly coated retrievers.

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